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Win 7 Nav Buttons Customizer



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Windows 7 Navigation Buttons Customizer is a freeware from door2windows that allows you to change the navigation buttons in Windows 7.

How To Use:

  1. Close all running apps.

  2. Run the tool as administrator.

  3. Select the bitmap that you want to change.

  4. Click Change Selected Bitmap.

  5. Select the new bitmap and click Open. If you don't have any bitmaps, get some from here.

  6. Now the Windows Explorer will restart and you will be able to see the new bitmap.

If you change all the bitmaps, you can get a cool look.

To restore any bitmap, just select the bitmap and click Restore Selected Bitmap.
Image size
438x438px 47.94 KB
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can custumize macos navagetion;P